Learner Account
Germanna Community College Logo

Germanna Community College

2130 Germanna Hwy, PO BOx 1430, Locust Grove, VA, 22508-2102, US

A message from Germanna Community College
To request a transcript you must login or register by creating a New Learner Account. If you have already registered, please enter your Email and Password to the left and click Existing User Account.
If this is your first time using the online order system, please click New Learner Account and enter the required information. Once your account is created you will be able to request transcripts online and track the status of your orders.
Please note: There may be additional processing time for non-credit or workforce transcripts.
Unfortunately, at this time Germanna does not accept hold for grades or degrees. Please submit your request after your grades or degree has been posted to your record.

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